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Bible Studies

Sunday School

Women's Bible Study

We currently have two classes covering the same material:

  • Mondays at 3pm in the church office.

  • Fridays at 8:30am in the sanctuary.

This study is designed for adult women, but younger ladies are welcome to participate as well.

They are currently reading through and discussing the book of Galatians, using a study guide written by John MacArthur.

No sign-up is necessary, but if you would like a book, contact us and we will do our best to get you one.

Men's Bible Study

Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm in the church office.

This study is designed for adult men, but younger guys are welcome to participate as well.

They are currently reading through and discussing the book of 1 Timothy.

No sign-up is necessary, but if you would like a study guide, contact us and we will do our best to get you one.

Other Opportunities

Wednesday Nights

Every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm.

Kids and youth 18 and under are welcome to come hang out, play games, and learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate setting. 

For students ages 5th-12th grade, we offer discussion-based Bible studies with weekly devotionals to take home and work through during the week.

For kids ages 3-years through 4th grade, we offer Truth Trackers (and the companion program "Tiny Trackers"). This is a combination Bible-memory and catechism program with a home component they do during the week. For more information about how Truth Trackers works click here.

For kids under 3, we have a nursery available.

To keep order and create a safe and fun environment for everyone, we have a few basic rules:

1. No swearing.

2. No hurting people or property.

3. No cell phones. (Phones must be put away upon entering the building and may only be used to communicate with parents until 7pm).

4. Everyone must stay in the building during church time. If they choose to leave, they must leave church property. They may not loiter outside during church time. (We strive to provide constant supervision of your kids on Wednesdays and we can't do that if they are outside).

We operate on a "three strikes" discipline system. On the third strike, the child will be asked to leave for the night. If they are being picked up by a parent or if it is too dark for them to walk home safely, they can call their ride to pick them up early or they can help clean up until church ends. Swearing or hurting others is an automatic strike, but other disrespectful or inappropriate behavior may also result in a strike. If a fight breaks out, generally all involved will be asked to immediately leave for the night.

We take the safety of your kids seriously. All of our Wednesday Night adult volunteers have been background-checked, trained, and vetted. Except for parents picking up and dropping off kids, no adults over 18 are allowed in the building on Wednesday nights.

If you have any questions about our Wednesday Night program, please contact us.

Other Opportunities

Lighthouse Seminary

A two-year, "seminary-style" course of study covering Biblical interpretation, spiritual disciplines, systematic theology, apologetics, Christian ethics, Biblical Greek and Hebrew, and more.

We cover two emphases per trimester, which includes outside reading, lecture, and discussion.

We also concurrently write a paper and outline sections of Scripture.

We are currently in the first of six trimesters. If you are interested in joining you can jump in right away (but you may feel a little lost), or you can wait until the next trimester begins on Tuesday, May 7.

You can check out the Trimester 1 syllabus here.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

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